Passion for Play
Gamification hype is rampant--but can it deliver real business benefits? Find out how to engage, retain and drive performance in your organization--by channeling employees' passion for play. |
This 3-Minute Distraction Will Actually IMPROVE Your Focus
Ever get to the end of your day and wonder, "Where did the time go?" Use these smart strategies to nix distractions, improve your focus and get more done, every day.
Leaders are Gamers, Too
61% of surveyed CEOs, CFOs and other senior executives say they take daily game breaks at work. More than half of these gaming executives say they play during work in order "to feel more productive." (Source: Reality is Broken: How Games Make Us Better And Why They Can Change The World, by Jane McGonigal) |
Contact us!
Looking for other ways to increase retention and performance? Contact me at CParlapiano@hereshelp.com. We provide qualified temporaries to relieve the burden of time-consuming, repetitive or other non-essential activities--keeping your core employees happy and working at peak efficiency. |