
Land That Job

Tools to help in all aspects of your job search process including resume tips, interview skills, and more.
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Don't Despair--Don't Compare!

When you're looking for a job, it's only natural to compare yourself to successful friends or other, seemingly more talented job seekers. Rage against this counterproductive behavior--and focus on what YOU have to offer the employer.

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Do You Have an Imposter Complex?

Have you ever found yourself in a job or a project that seemed beyond your own abilities? Were you worried about failing...and about being "found out?" If so, you've suffered from the Imposter Complex, too.

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How Your Work History Affects Your Job Hunt in the New Age of Work

The resume--and other details of the job hunt--certainly are changing. Resumes are morphing into a combination of digital identity and the traditional summary of work experience and skills. And perhaps what has changed the most is how your work history affects your job hunt.

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Google+ and Your Job Search

Are you already using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to help in your career search? It's time to add Google+ to your arsenal of social media tools for the job hunt. As with the other three, your ability to use Google+ effectively is essential to your long-term success.
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Top 10 Job Hunting Blunders

Whether you are just starting your professional life, a seasoned pro looking to make a savvy career move, between jobs, or simply feeling the need to move on, the quality of your job hunt will determine your level of success. Do you know what actions might put the kibosh on your quest? Here are 10 job-hunting mistakes to avoid.
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